About us – Legal details
E+M Drilling Technologies GmbH, Headquarters
Köpenicker Allee 123 - 135
10318 Berlin - Germany
Email: info@em-drilling.com
E+M Drilling Technologies GmbH, Factory Hof
Hofer Straße 19
95030 Hof
Phone: +49 (0) 92 81 - 14 45 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 92 81 - 14 45 - 587
Email: info@em-drilling.com Homepage: http://www.em-bohr.de
Managing Director authorized to represent:
Qian Weimin
Registration court:
Commercial register: Amtsgericht Charlottenburg
Commercial register B
Registration number HRB 150350 B
Tax ID number acc. to 27a of Value Added Tax Act:
DE 290 068 806
Responsible for the content acc. to § 10 para. 3 MDStV (Media service treaty):
Qian Weimin
Liability clause All of the contents published here are made available by us without any warranty or guarantee concerning correctness, be it expressly or by implication. By no means are implicit and public promises made with regard to the merchantability and the suitability for certain purposes and the non-infringement of patents and laws. On our Internet pages presented here, there are links to other pages in the internet. We have no control over the information and contents which you can find on these pages. Due to this, we do not assume any liability for the correctness, up-to-dateness, completeness or quality of the information provided there. Due to this reason, we herewith distance ourselves from all contents of these Internet pages. This statement covers all links contained on our pages (links to other external pages and their contents).
Legal information The texts, graphics, photos, pictures, audio-, video- and animated files used here are protected by copyright and other laws, in order to protect the intellectual property. The right to reproduce or reprint or to publish those in online services, also in part, requires our written agreement. In case of particular contents it might be possible that those are subject to the copyright of the person who has provided us with these contents.
Copyright 2009 E+M Drilling Technologies GmbH All rights reserved.
Remarks on data protection On our website, there is the possibility to enter personal or business data (like e.g. name, address, e-mail address etc.). With regard to this, the user exclusively acts on a voluntary basis. However, we undertake towards the user to exclusively use the data provided to us for the purpose of establishing contacts or for shipping purposes. We on our part will not transfer the data to third parties.
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